Picture of Moneypake, FBI Virus Ransomware

He said what?! (FBI Moneypak Ransomware – Virus)

After telling the ISP operator about the FBI Virus/Malware he was told: "Just pay it!" Come again?!? He said WHAT?

Social Networking Viruses and Malware Are a Growing Concern

If I was to tell you that criminals are using the internet to perform malicious, less-than-honorable deeds, it should, at this point in time, be of […]
Virus Infection

Is my computer infected?

You keep hearing it, reading it, and if you've been unfortunate, you have seen it. Malware is malicious software with a few other names, such as: Adware, Spyware, Scare-ware, and Fake-ware (such as a Fake Antivirus or Fake AV). It's not always easy to know if your computer is infected by a virus, Trojan Horse, or some malware. Have a quick read to see if any of these items ring true.

Malware is no Bueno, FBI Steps Up | DNSChanger

DNSChanger Malware, intercepted by Feds. Malicious servers to be shut down on 7/9/2012. Check if you're infected. Read the whole article.